Sunday, April 26, 2015

Are You Hungry Or Thirsty?

In business as with life, When wanting something bad enough, you are willing to go at it 110%. Then there is the wanting of something bad enough, you could taste it. And you get there by any means necessary . Or put this way: by being" Hungry" you go after your goal with the full buy in. You see it through. you  put the work in. You maintain a drive that gets results. Being thirsty can be a two edged sword. A person will work the " thirst" off in the positive by stepping up to the proverbial plate to get what they want when they want it, and with whom they Want it with. As opposed to being so " thirsty" that you destroy who ever is in your way to get what you want when you want it. The latter  two don't make for a good business ethic. Integrity and Business ethic along with good customer service at a five star rating is going to gain the trust of  and  maintain loyalty  in your customer base.

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